
From a male point of view: iYoni App for women who care about their health and relationship with you.

Do you take care of yourself? Great, now take care of her too! Support your relationship with the help of the iYoni app. How much sleep, exercise, sex, what kind of food? Is it worth monitoring?  Taking care of your health, physical fitness, including sexual fitness, is one of many elements of caring for a …

From a male point of view: iYoni App for women who care about their health and relationship with you. Read More »

Measurement of temperature during the cycle

Why measure the temperature? Measuring temperature during the menstrual cycle can be helpful in determining fertile days and recognizing potential health problems, such as abnormal hormone levels or thyroid disorders, which can affect the menstrual cycle and body temperature. How does temperature change during the cycle? Body temperature usually changes during the menstrual cycle. When …

Measurement of temperature during the cycle Read More »