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Try one-month free PRO trial

Access to expert knowledge
Make informed decisions about your health, research and treatment.
Learn about effective methods
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Access to expert knowledge
Make informed decisions about your health, research and treatment.
Learn about effective methods
Verify your actions

for free for 7 days
Start the PRO trial period and go to the iYoni MED section.
Choose a topic that interests you and get a doctor’s opinion or answer some questions to evaluate your efforts.
Learn about personalized
recommendations for your health.
for free for one month
As part of the trial month you receive a pool of points to use to take the advice of your choice.
Start the PRO trial month and go to the iYoni MED section.
We help you understand your body

Free advice-always for you
Receive dedicated guidance from women’s health and fertility experts based on the data you enter into the app. Discover professional advice and receive personalized guidance on your health and pregnancy efforts.
Expert opinions
Wondering what to do in the face of a diagnosis or what steps to take to wait for a baby? Complicated problems can raise a number of dilemmas, and the answer is not always simple. Whether to opt for surgery, in what situation and how to undergo IVF, what are the causes of recurrent miscarriages and what might the treatment look like? These are just some examples of situations that many women face. Renowned specialists suggest:
– what are the most common causes of problems and what tests to perform
– what treatment is recommended in the recommendations of medical societies
– which procedures are the most effective.
With their recommendations, you can choose the direction of action consciously.
Get valuable information based on current medical and scientific knowledge about securing fertility, your lifestyle, and assessing your partner’s fertility at home. Our experts cover important yet difficult topics that can help you find answers to questions you couldn’t explain before.Doctors and specialists
iYoni was created by doctors and top experts in their fields who share opinions and important recommendations on topics related to fertility, reproductive medicine, women’s health, relationship emotions and sex life. You are in safe hands.
Request a consultation
The app allows you to schedule an online consultation with Prof. Krzysztof Lukaszuk, MD.
We help you understand your body
Receive dedicated guidance from women’s health and fertility experts based on the data you enter into the app. Discover professional advice and receive personalized guidance on your health and pregnancy efforts.
Wondering what to do in the face of a diagnosis or what steps to take to wait for a baby? Complicated problems can raise a number of dilemmas, and the answer is not always simple. Whether to opt for surgery, in what situation and how to undergo IVF, what are the causes of recurrent miscarriages and what might the treatment look like? These are just some examples of situations that many women face. Renowned specialists suggest:
– what are the most common causes of problems and what tests to perform
– what treatment is recommended in the recommendations of medical societies
– which procedures are the most effective.
With their recommendations, you can choose the direction of action consciously.
Get valuable information based on current medical and scientific knowledge about securing fertility, your lifestyle, and assessing your partner’s fertility at home. Our experts cover important yet difficult topics that can help you find answers to questions you couldn’t explain before.
iYoni was created by doctors and top experts in their fields who share opinions and important recommendations on topics related to fertility, reproductive medicine, women’s health, relationship emotions and sex life. You are in safe hands.
The app allows you to schedule an online consultation with Prof. Krzysztof Lukaszuk, MD.
Medical assistance in sight

Medical assistance in sight

We work with leading experts
The medical part of iYoni was developed by leading reproductive medicine specialists, professors and doctors with decades of experience in infertility treatment. Experts and scientists in women’s health, gynecology, endocrinology, genetics, immunology create the content and algprits in the app so that you have access to the best support.
We work with leading experts
The medical part of iYoni was developed by leading reproductive medicine specialists, professors and doctors with decades of experience in infertility treatment. Experts and scientists in women’s health, gynecology, endocrinology, genetics, immunology create the content and algprits in the app so that you have access to the best support.

Prof. dr hab. n. med. Krzysztof Łukaszuk

Prof. Anja Pinborg


Trust the experts
and take care of your health with