What is iYoni MED?
iYoni MED is one of the most important features of the iYoni app. It gives you access to medical knowledge at a fraction of the cost of a doctor’s visit. And it’s right at your fingertips!
What are the advice on iYoni MED?
Advice, i.e. opinions and recommendations from professionals, have a more or less interactive form. Some provide you with knowledge on a specific topic during the chat. In the ones where you have to answer questions, you end up with personalized advice based on those questions, so it pays to answer truthfully. 🙂
What is the difference between recommendations and specialist opinions?
Both are created by leading specialists in the field of fertility and reproductive medicine. All advice has an educational character (so they do not replace direct consultation with a doctor), they differ only in form.
👉 The specialist opinion will bring you closer to the subject, but the individual advice in the chat does not depend on your decisions or entered data. In other words, the opinion is the same for every iYoni user.
👉 On the other hand, to receive a recommendation, you have to answer some questions and then at the end you will receive personalized advice based on your answers. So, a recommendation, unlike an opinion, is personalized.
In both cases, the content is based on the latest credible scientific evidence and the standards of conduct of respected medical societies.
Why is it worth using iYoni MED advice?
The advice (opinions and recommendations) were developed by leading reproductive health experts to help you make more informed decisions about your health, research and treatment. They were created to equip you with the knowledge doctors rely on to save you unnecessary expense and stress, and to offer suggestions you should consider to increase the likelihood of pregnancy. You’ll learn how professionals view a particular problem, test result or treatment process, making it easier for you to take the next steps.
Is there a charge for iYoni MED consultations?
Yes, you “pay” for most advices with points – iYoni’s internal currency. Read more about how to earn points here.
Can I try advice for free?
Of course, in two ways (you can use both)!
First, you can try this free advice at any time:
- launch the application and make sure you are logged in
- click on the first-aid kit icon (the second from the right) at the bottom of the application screen
- click on the green “Check advice” button
- select the opinions or recommendations you are interested in by clicking on the “see” button
The second option is to take advantage of iYoni PRO ‘s free trial month, which gives you points to use in iYoni MED.
What else does iYoni MED offer?
Besides opinions and recommendations, iYoni MED offers the possibility to make an online appointment with Prof. Dr. hab. n. med. Krzysztof Łukaszuk. To do this:
- open the application and make sure you are logged in
- click on the first-aid kit icon (the second from the right) at the bottom of the application screen
- click on the navy blue “Order a consultation” button at the bottom of the screen
You will then be redirected to your e-mail and can schedule an appointment at a time that is convenient for you.