Psychologist, systemic psychotherapist.
Anna Wietrzykowska works as perinatal assistant psychologist with patients:
• in fertility treatment;
• preparing for assisted reproduction procedures (IVF/artificial insemination), also with gamete donation (egg/sperm/embryo donation);
• after pregnancy loss trauma;
• with postnatal trauma;
• with postnatal depression, pregnancy depression related to infertility treatment;
• expecting childbirth (stage of pregnancy) and in the postnatal period (postpartum period/first year of baby life);
• ending the process of efforts for a child (scenario of unintentional childlessness);
• preparing for adoption.
In social media, she posts articles that deal with the subject of trying to conceive a child, raising public awareness about infertility as a disease affecting the life of the couple.
She collaborates with www.poronilam.pl, www.plodnosc.pl, www.invitrobezgranic.pl and https://pokonenometryzete.pl