Endometriosis – what should you know?

Endometriosis is still a somewhat mysterious disease that affects more than 10% of girls and young women. It involves the growth of the mucous membrane of the uterus (or endometrium) outside the uterine cavity, around the ovaries and pelvis minor. Under the influence of hormone secretion during the cycle, the mucous membrane changes, grows and then peels off as it does during menstruation. That is why patients often complain of strong, intense pain in the lower abdomen during their period. Sexual intercourse can also cause pain. Symptoms are often ignored – meanwhile, the disease requires diagnosis and can be effectively treated.

Endometriosis is a chronic condition that can cause complications, but also primarily affects a woman’s fertility and quality of life. Because of the attribution of other causes and low awareness, endometriosis is often diagnosed and treated late. Women from poorer countries, where access to appropriate help is limited, are in a particularly difficult situation.

The most common symptoms of endometriosis:

  • Frequent lower abdominal pain
  • Severe pain during menstruation and intercourse
  • Nausea and bloating
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Depression, anxiety
  • Difficulty in getting pregnant

Diagnosis of endometriosis:

Your doctor may suspect the disease based on your medical history, particularly information about your complaints of pain. To confirm endometriosis, an imaging study is performed – usually an ultrasound and possibly a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. In some cases, the specialist may also refer the patient for histological/laparoscopic examination.

How endometriosis is treated:

Treatment should primarily be tailored to the woman’s situation and needs. It generally consists of symptom relief and control. For patients who are not planning a pregnancy at this time – hormone replacement therapy may be used to prevent the development of endometriosis and relieve pain.

In rare cases, surgery is used. These should be avoided before starting a family because they can contribute to a decrease in ovarian reserve (and therefore fertility).

Women with endometriosis who would like to become mothers should be under the care of fertility specialists. The most common method of choice (the most effective) is in vitro fertilization. However, the situation should always be discussed with the doctor and a decision should be made based on full knowledge.

Chances of pregnancy with endometriosis

The news is positive. Although endometriosis decreases fertility, most women suffering from this disease will have a baby. In many cases, support from doctors and medicine is needed, and the best results are obtained with in vitro fertilization. If the woman has no additional diseases, the prognosis for pregnancy is generally good ????

Source: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/endometriosis